søndag den 10. februar 2013

Bonnie n' Clyde


"Clyde Rust is a Cyclops who, ironically enough, is also a very talented monster hunter!
Clyde's goal is to prove to humanity that there's good in every monster - by banishing the evil that resides in each one.
To aid him in his quest is his trusty companion Bonnie, an overgrown freshwater crocodile with a heart of gold, a big wimp of a vampire named Elliot, who wants to become human again, and a way too enthusiastic headless pianist named Pete, who is desperately searching for his long lost head but sadly can't quite recall what it looks like!"
So, i am contemplating doing a western comic about these two guys and a few others! This is the plot so far

So, Blogger!

O.k, so!
I thought Blogger could be like, a nice place for me to collect my ideas n' stuff, and hopefully gather material for a decent portfolio!
So let's see how this goes!